Executive/Operating Committee Bios


President - Amy Richter

Amy Richter has been a part of Lacombe Minor Hockey since the fall of 2015 when her oldest son was a second year U7 player. Her boys are now entering their first year of U15, U13 and U11. Amy has held various positions within LMHA such as on-ice helper, tournament committee member, team manager, CAHL governor and most recently, LMH Game and Conduct officer. She is a teacher at Lacombe Junior High and holds a Master degree in Educational Leadership. Amy is excited to take on this new role and looks forward to seeing you all at the rink!

Vice President - Dave Saretsky 


Interim Secretary - Alyssa Dinter


Interim Game and Conduct - Dylan Little

 Dylan has lived in Lacombe since 2007 and has 3 children. Eli, 10, plays goalie for the U13 Rockets.

Treasurer - Mike Labonte

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 Intro to Hockey Director (U5, U7, Rocker Launchers) - Alyssa Dinter

Alyssa has lived in Lacombe for almost 10 years and is excited to raise her family here. Her oldest son, Thomas (8) is in his second year of U9 and her youngest, Benjamin (5) is in his first year of U7. Alyssa was our U5 Director last year and is expanding into the Intro to Hockey Director role this year. She never thought she'd be a hockey mom but her boys had other plans for her! She is excited to see the significant growth in the Intro divisions this year and enjoys seeing the big smiles on all the kids' faces. When Alyssa and her family are not at the rink, they enjoy camping, fishing and going on lots of adventures.


U9 Director - Kurtis Baehl




U11 Director - Brandon Maier


I was raised in Lacombe and played all of minor hockey here, then for the Cochrane Generals and Lacombe Wranglers. 
This will be our fifth year with kids in minor hockey with our player in U11. I have been a director three times now as well as helping coach for four years. 
My goal for this year is to ensure that all the kids to learn the value of teamwork, hard work and to most of all have fun.


U13 Director - Erin Fuller


U15 Director - Angela Wymann-Richter


U18 Director - Joanne Day



Sponsorship Chair - Jerilee Wilson


Safety Officer - Sarah Ritten


Social Media Coordinator - Melanie Callihoo

Ref Assigner - Jody Blokland


I have lived in Lacombe for 14 years, married for 19 and have to 2 amazing children. I have been involved with LMHA for 9 years 5 of those coaching my son as well as serving on the board as director, coach mentor and this year as Co Ref In Chief & Ref Assignor along with the help & support of my wife Priscilla.  I have always had a passion for hockey and when my coaching & playing days came to an end I decided to start officiating.  Now entering my 5th year I have found a whole new level of love and respect for the game.  As a mentor for officials in U13 and below I am able to pass along what I was taught from all the senior officials that have helped me and continue to help me along the way.  Becoming the Ref Assignor seemed like a good opportunity to become more involved with officials and allows us to properly place officials where their experience level puts them. 

Coach Mentors - Casey Calihoo, Joe Bouvier and Rick Maclise


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