CAS Player Evaluation Process / Coach Picks


Player Evaluation Process
  1. To provide a fair and impartial assessment of each players total hockey skills during both skill sessions and scrimmage sessions.
  2. To ensure that players have a reasonable opportunity of being selected to a team that is appropriate for their skill and development level for the current season.
  3. To form teams to maintain competitive play where the players can develop their skills and have fun playing hockey.
  4. To provide coaches with the opportunity and flexibility to build a team based in part on their own coaching philosophy and knowledge of the players skills, abilities and attitude.
Evaluation Team: 

  1. Will use a minimum of three evaluators. This will include a minimum of two forward/defense evaluators and a minimum of one goalie evaluator. The evaluators cannot be a divisional coach or any players’ family member.
  2. Is responsible for finding appropriate on-ice coaches to run each tryout session (assistant coaches for example).
  3. Is responsible for creating practice plans which includes appropriate drills for each skill that the players are graded on for their division. They will also make sure that the drills are always kept in the same order for each group (if applicable).
  4. Directors will hand out pinnies before every evaluation and ensure all pinnies are collected at the end of the session.
  5. Directors will ensure scrimmage teams are evenly matched so a fair evaluation can be done on all players not just a select few.
  6. The drills will be gone over with the evaluators and on ice coaches prior to each ice session to ensure the evaluators and coaches knows what skill they are demonstrating.
  7. Be available to field questions, comments and complaints about the process.
  8. Collect evaluation forms after each evaluation session.
 On Ice Coaches/Helpers
  1. For insurance purposes, it is mandatory that all the on ice coaches/helpers have submitted a CAS Coaching Application (in can be noted on this form that you are there only to help during evaluations). This form is available on our web-site 
  2. All on ice coaches/helpers are required to wear a CSA approved helmet.
  3. Ensure a proper warm up at the beginning of each ice session.
  4. Demonstrate and ensure that the players understand each drill.
  5. Make sure that drills are always kept in the same order for each group (if applicable). Also maintain Directors practice plan and attempt to stay with the time line.
  6. Check that all players have the proper protective equipment.
  7. Encourage the players to perform to the best of their ability.
  8. Do not share any of their personal insight with players, parents or other observers during the evaluation process.
  1. Review practice plan and drills with the Director prior to the ice sessions.
  2. Stay separated for the other evaluators along with parents and other observers.
  3. Fill out the provided evaluation forms and hand them in to the Director after each session and follow each levels evaluation matrix.
  4. Refer any questions, comments or complaints to the Director.
  5. Ensure a fair and unbiased evaluation for every player.
  6. Do not share your results or comments with any player, parent or other observer.
  7. Disclose any family relation to any evaluated player(s).
 Coach Mentor
  1. Work with the Directors to create a practice plan with drills suitable for the age group and evaluated skills.
  2. Help the Executive and Directors to select head coaches prior to the conclusion of the try out sessions.
 Head Coach
  1. Shall assist in the development of the on ice drills.
  2. Shall not select the on ice helpers/coaches.
  3. Complete evaluations of skaters so as to aid in the evaluation rating of skater.


Free Skates Technical Skill Sessions % Weight Scrimmage or Exhibition Game % Weight
1 1 30 2-3 70

Evaluated Skills: Skating, puck handling, shot, hockey sense, work ethic, and defensive play.  Teams are tiered at this level. Players will be evaluated by position (forward or defense). Players that have chosen to try out for the AA team will be involved in the first level of evaluations. Once the team is selected those players who were not chosen for the AA team will be sent back to their respective Associations. Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions.  See Team Selections (section 4) for information how teams are formed.

Free Skates Technical Skill Sessions % Weight Scrimmage or Exhibition Game % Weight
1 1 30 2-3 70
Evaluated Skills: Skating, puck handling, shot, hockey sense, work ethic, and defensive play.  Teams are tiered at this level. Players will be evaluated by position (forward or defense). Players that have chosen to try out for the AA team will be involved in the first level of evaluations. Once the team is selected those players who were not chosen for the AA team will be sent back to their respective Associations. Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions.  See Team Selections (section 4) for information how teams are formed.

Free Skates Technical & Tactical Skill Sessions % Weight Scrimmage or Exhibition Game % Weight
1 1 20 2-3 80
Evaluated Skills: Skating, puck handling, shot, hockey sense, work ethic, defensive play and body contact.  Teams are tiered at this level. Players will be evaluated by position (forward or defense). Players that have chosen to try out for the AA team will be involved in the first level of evaluations. Once the team is selected those players who were not chosen for the AA team will be sent back to their respective Associations. Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions. Spots need to be reserved for players making it to late cuts at higher levels elsewhere (AAA).  See Team Selections (section 4) for information how teams are formed.
U18 AA
Free Skates Technical & Tactical Skill Sessions % Weight Scrimmage or Exhibition Game % Weight
1 1 20 2-3 80
Evaluated Skills: Skating, puck handling, shot, hockey sense, work ethic, defensive play and body contact.  Teams are tiered at this level. Players will be evaluated by position (forward or defense). Players that have chosen to try out for the AA team will be involved in the first level of evaluations. Once the team is selected those players who were not chosen for the AA team will be sent back to their respective Associations. Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions. Spots need to be reserved for players making it to late cuts at higher levels elsewhere (AAA).  See Team Selections (section 4) for information how teams are formed.
Goalies will be evaluated along with the other players. They will have separate drills that are appropriate for their division. When evaluating goalies Directors shall attempt to use evaluators with goal tending knowledge.
Evaluated skills: Skating/balance, positional play, puck control, quickness/reaction, focus/concentration and second effort
Evaluation Skills (Break-down)
Forwards and Defense
All Levels
  1. Skating: Forward and backwards, cross-overs, two foot turns, stopping both directions, balance, speed, quick acceleration
  2. Puck Handling: Ability to handle puck with head-up, difficult to remove puck, accurate passing, looking for pass
  3. Shot: Accuracy, quick release and speed of shot, head up when shooting
U11 and Up
  1. Hockey Sense: Ability to read the play (anticipation), playing the position, right play at the right time
  2. Work Ethic: The effort displayed in both drills and scrimmages, attention to coaches instruction and feedback
  3. Defensive Play: Back checking, good position in defensive zone, even and odd man defensive positioning
U15 and Up
  1. Body Contact: Proper body position in both giving and receiving a check, angle checking, legal and safe, one on one battles
All Levels
  1. Skating / Balance: Stance, movement forward and backward (C cuts), lateral movement both shuffle and t-glide, acceleration to free puck
  2. Positional Play: Good angles, right depth for play, well set in time for the shot, square to shooter, ability to anticipate next play, good post save response
  3. Puck Control: Control of rebounds, ability to freeze puck when required, handle puck well outside of net, stops rims, sets put for defense, strong accurate passes to team mates
  4. Quickness / Reactions: Quickness of hands and feet, ability to react quickly to broken play
  5. Focus / Concentration: Emotion control, maintaining composure, ability to focus after bad goal, able to focus on puck through a crowd, communicates well with team mates
  6. Second Effort: Not willing to give up on a play (in practice and game), second effort to stop puck.
Team Selections: 
U11:  Team Selection - 50% Evaluators picks / 50% Coaches picks
It will be the goal of the evaluation team to first choose the highest level team and proceed down from this point. Since the Non-Parent Coach is named prior to evaluations they will choose the remaining 50% of the team after the evaluations numbers have selected the top 50% of the forwards/defense. The Director will provide the Head Coach a list of all players evaluated and the position they play so the coach can make an informed decision. The top evaluated goalie will be selected in the 50% Evaluators picks for the team. The remaining goalie will be selected by the coach’s picks. The coaches 50% selections will be brought before the Governor, Director and President before the final selections are announced to ensure that the coach selections are justified and reasonable.  The U11 AA team will consist of 17 players broken down to 9 Forwards, 6 Defense and 2 Goalies.  The Evaluators Picks will make up the Top 5 Forwards, Top 3 Defense, and the Top Goalie.  The Head Coach will then pick the remaining 4 Forwards, 3 Defense, and 1 Goalie.
U13:  Team Selection - 50% Evaluators picks / 50% Coaches picks
It will be the goal of the evaluation team to first choose the highest level team and proceed down from this point. Since the Non-Parent Coach is named prior to evaluations they will choose the remaining 50% of the team after the evaluations numbers have selected the top 50% of the forwards/defense. The Director will provide the Head Coach a list of all players evaluated and the position they play so the coach can make an informed decision. The top evaluated goalie will be selected in the 50% Evaluators picks for the team. The remaining goalie will be selected by the coach’s picks. The coaches 50% selections will be brought before the Governor, Director and President before the final selections are announced to ensure that the coach selections are justified and reasonable.  The U13 AA team will consist of 17 players broken down to 9 Forwards, 6 Defense and 2 Goalies.  The Evaluators Picks will make up the Top 5 Forwards, Top 3 Defense, and the Top Goalie.  The Head Coach will then pick the remaining 4 Forwards, 3 Defense, and 1 Goalie.
U15:  Team Selection - 50% Evaluators picks / 50% Coaches picks
It will be the goal of the evaluation team to first choose the highest level team and proceed down from this point. Since the Non-Parent Coach is named prior to evaluations they will choose the remaining 50% of the team after the evaluations numbers have selected the top 50% of the forwards/defense. The Director will provide the Head Coach a list of all players evaluated and the position they play so the coach can make an informed decision. The top evaluated goalie will be selected in the 50% Evaluators picks for the team. The remaining goalie will be selected by the coach’s picks. The coaches 50% selections will be brought before the Governor, Director and President before the final selections are announced to ensure that the coach selections are justified and reasonable.  The U15 AA team will consist of 19 players broken down to 11 Forwards, 6 Defense and 2 Goalies.  The Evaluators Picks will make up the Top 6 Forwards, Top 3 Defense, and the Top Goalie.  The Head Coach will then pick the remaining 5 Forwards, 3 Defense, and 1 Goalie.  
*Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions. Spots need to be reserved for players making it to late cuts at higher levels elsewhere (AAA).
U18t:  Team Selection - 50% Evaluators picks / 50% Coaches picks
It will be the goal of the evaluation team to first choose the highest level team and proceed down from this point. Since the Non-Parent Coach is named prior to evaluations they will choose the remaining 50% of the team after the evaluations numbers have selected the top 50% of the forwards/defense. The Director will provide the Head Coach a list of all players evaluated and the position they play so the coach can make an informed decision. The top evaluated goalie will be selected in the 50% Evaluators picks for the team. The remaining goalie will be selected by the coach’s picks. The coaches 50% selections will be brought before the Governor, Director and President before the final selections are announced to ensure that the coach selections are justified and reasonable.  The U18 AA team will consist of 19 players broken down to 11 Forwards, 6 Defense and 2 Goalies.  The Evaluators Picks will make up the Top 6 Forwards, Top 3 Defense, and the Top Goalie.  The Head Coach will then pick the remaining 5 Forwards, 3 Defense, and 1 Goalie.  
*Please note that because some of our players are trying out elsewhere the teams will not be decided until players have come back and have had a minimum of two ice sessions. Spots need to be reserved for players making it to late cuts at higher levels elsewhere (AAA).
Head Coach Selections:
The Governor in conjunction with the Director(s), Coach Mentor and the Lacombe Minor Hockey President will choose the Head Coaches based on philosophy to coaching, teaching & instruction, communication with players & parents and experience. This will often involve an interview process. In cases of a conflict of interest with the Coach Mentor, Director or Executive/Operating Committee member, that person will be excused from the interview process.  A Head Coach shall be selected as early as possible so he/she is able to start planning for the season and possibly start enlisting people to try-out.   
Conflicts resulting from the Evaluation Process 
  1. All questions, comments and complaints will be directed to the Directors following a 24 hour cool down period.
  2. If the conflict cannot be resolved by the Director alone, a written request for appeal will then be given to the Director who will forward it to the Governor and the President of Lacombe Minor Hockey. Appeals will be taken a minimum of 24 hours after the end of the evaluation process. The written request shall include documenting the problem, clearly stating all the components of the situation with detail and timelines.

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